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Biographies & programs



Andrew Irwin



Martin Gennen


Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

An Sylvia D 891 (Willilam Shakespeare)   - 1R

Ständchen D 889 "Horch! Horch, die Lerch´" (W. Shakespeare) 

Verklärung D 59 (A Pope / J. G. Herder)

4 canzonas D 688 (P. Metastasio) 

4. Mio ben ricordati

Gioacchino Rossini

Soirées musicales

La partenza ("Ecco quel fiero istante") (Pietro Metastasio)   - 1R

Henri Duparc


1. L’Invitation au voyage (Charles Baudelaire)    - 1R

Ivor Gurney

Five Elizabethan Songs

1. Orpheus with his Lute (W. Shakespeare)    - 1R

2. "Tears" (Anonymous) 

3. "Under the Greenwood Tree" (W. Shakespeare) 

4. "Sleep" (J.Fletscher) 

5. "Spring" (T. Nashe)  

Roger Quilter

Three Shakespeare Songs, Op. 6 (W. Shakespeare) 

1. Come Away, Death 

2. O Mistress Mine 

3 Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind  

Emile Paladilhe

"Psyché" (P. Corneille)


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For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Andrew Irwin


Year of birth:


Andrew Irwin, winner of the audience award at the Northern Ireland  Festival of Voice 2020, has been an ensemble member at the Bremerhaven  City Theater since the 2021/2022 season. In the 2023/2024 season he was,  among other roles, as Spoletta (Tosca), The Crunchy Witch (Hansel and  Gretel), Camille de Rosillon (The Merry Widow) and Adam (The Apple  Tree). He has also sung with Welsh National Opera, Scottish Opera and  Longborough Festival Opera.
He has already recorded Irish songs for BBC Northern Ireland and  Northern Ireland Opera, and in 2021 he released his debut CD with  pianist Ruth McGinley.

Martin Gennen


Martin Gennen (Belgium) started playing the piano at the age of 7. In  2013 he began his studies at IMEP in Namur. In the same year he achieved  second place at the national Belfius competition. In 2016 he began  studying accompaniment in Mathias Lecomte's class at IMEP. In June 2019  he passed the entrance examination for a master's degree in song design  with Alexander Schmalcz at the HMT Leipzig. In January 2020, Martin won  the piano player's prize at the Albert Lortzing competition in Leipzig.  In July 2022 he will complete his master's degree in song interpretation  and has since then worked as an accompanist for the Thuringian State  Theater Rudolstadt, La Monnaie and the CAV&MA.

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