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Biographies & programs



Anna Graf



Wan-Yen Li


Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Auf dem See D 543 (Goethe)  - 1R

Mio ben ricordati D 688 (Metastasio)

Giacchino Rossini

Soirées musicales

La promessa "Ch ́io mai vi possa amare" (Metastasio)

Franz Liszt

Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S 270 

1. Pace non trovo - 1R

2. Benedetto sia l´giorno 

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25

1. Widmung (Friedrich Rückert)

Mathilde Kralik von Meyerswalden

Jugend Lieder

1. Morgengesang (Shakespeare)

Henri Duparc


1. L ́invitation au voyage (Baudelaire)  - 1R

Edvard Grieg

Die verschwiegene Nachtigall Op.48, Nr.4 (Walter v. der Vogenweide)

Ein Schwan Op. 25, Nr. 2 (Henrik Ibsen)

Ivor Gurney

Five Elizabethan Songs

3. Under the Greenwood Tree (Shakespeare) 

Erich W. Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op.31

4. When birds do sing   - 1R

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op.67 (Shakespeare/Simrock)

2. Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag


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Anna Graf


Year of birth:


Anna Graf is a graduate of the Univesity of Music and Theater Cologne and the Conservatorio di  Musica Luigi Cherubini in Florence. She is a prizewinner of the 31st  International Singing Competition of the Rheinsberg Chamber Opera in  2022, where she sang the title role in La Semele o Sia La richiesta  fatale by J. A. Hasse. From December 2019 until the end of the 2020/21  season she was a member of the young ensemble at the Aachen Theater. In  June 2023, Anna Graf made her debut in the role of Controller in  Jonathan Dove's opera Flight.
Anna Graf's particular passion is the art song genre. In 2022 she  recorded her first CD “Fragments of a Childhood”. In 2023 she was a  scholarship holder of the LiedAcademy LiedBasel.

Wan-Yen Li


Wan Yen Li was born in Taiwan. After completing her master's degree in  song design with Prof. Ulrich Eisenlohr and new piano music with Prof.  Pierre-Laurent Aimard at the HfMT Cologne, she is currently studying  piano solo at the HfMDK Frankfurt with Prof. Florian Hölscher and the  concert exam program in song design with Prof. Stefan Irmer at the HfMT  Cologne.
In 2021 she was best piano accompanist at the Brigitte Kempen  Competition. In 2022 she was accepted into the Richard Wagner  Association Cologne scholarship and the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now  funding program. In 2023-2024 you will receive the Heidelberg Spring  Song Academy funding program. As an accompanist she works with numerous  choirs, including: the WDR Radio Choir and Rodenkirchener KammerChor.

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