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Biographies & programs



Hyunseon Kang

South Korea

First Round

Hyun-hwa Park

South Korea

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Auf dem See, D 543 (J.W.v.Goethe)  - 1R

Vedi quanto t´adoro D 510 (Pietro Metastasio)

Verklärung, D 59 (Alexander Pope / Johann G. Herder) 

Gioacchino Rossini

Soirées musicales

La promessa  "Ch´io mai vi possa amare" (Pietro Metastasio)   - 1R

Franz Liszt

Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S 270

1. Pace non trovo

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25 

1. Widmung (Friedrich Rückert) 

7. Die Lotosblume (Heinrich Heine)

Henri Duparc


9. Chanson triste (Jean Lahor)

Reynaldo Hahn

A Chloris (Theophile de Viau)   - 1R

Hugo Wolf

Spanisches Liederbuch

Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen (Lope de Vega/Geibel

In dem Schatten meiner Locken (Anonymous/Heyse)


28. Die Bekehrte

Erich W. Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op.31

3. Blow, blow, thou winter wind   - 1R

4. When birds do sing

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op. 67 (W.Shakespeare / K.J.Simrock)

3. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss


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Hyunseon Kang


Year of birth:


Soprano Hyunseon Kang comes from South Korea. She completed her second  master's degree at the Mannes School of Music and the master's degree in  song composition, singing/soloist examination at the University of  Music in Karlsruhe. In 2023 she made her debut as “Queen of the Night”  in The Magic Flute, as “La Fée” in Cendrillon in the USA and as  “Susanna” in Le nozze di Figaro in South Korea. She was invited to  concerts at Carnegie Hall and received awards at the International  Robert Schumann Competition (1st place), Concours International  Chant-Piano Nadia et Lili Boulanger (special prize) and the Karlsruhe  International Competition for the Song of the 20th-21st . Century (1st  place).

Hyun-hwa Park


Hyun-hwa Park, internationally renowned pianist, began playing the piano  at the age of 15 and studied in Seoul, Düsseldorf and Karlsruhe. She is  a winner of the Mozart Prize in Lyon and the Hugo Wolf Competition in  Stuttgart. Park is a sought-after soloist and chamber music partner,  appearing on renowned stages around the world. In addition to classical  music, she is passionate about contemporary compositions and has taken  part in premieres. In the current season she has appeared several times  in Duisburg and Essen as a chamber music partner for members of the  Duisburg and Essen Philharmonic Orchestra, both in the Lehmbruck Museum,  the Aalto-Theater and the Mercatorhalle.

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