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Biographies & programs



Jaewon Jung

South Korea


Eunshil Oh

South Korea

Special Awards

2er Sonderpreis ORPHEUS des Vereins Ars Augusta / Sonderpreis der Stiftung "Belle Voci"

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert 

Verklärung D 59 (Alexander Pope / Johann G. Herder)   - 1R

4 canzonas, D 688

Mio ben ricordati (Pietro Metastasio)   - 1R

Ludwig van Beethoven

Der Kuß Op.128 (Christian F. Weisse)  

Robert Schumann 

Myrthen, Op.25                      

17.  Zwei Venezianische Lieder I (Moore/Freiligrath)                     

18.  Zwei Venezianische Lieder II (Moore/Freiligrath) 

Franz Liszt 

Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S 270               

1. Pace non trovo            

2. Benedetto sia 'l giorno            

3. Vidi in terra angelici costumi  

Henri Duparc 


1. L´invitation au voyage (Charles Baudelaire)                

5. Phidelé (Leconte de Lisle)   - 1R

9. Chanson triste (Jean Lahor)  

Gerald Finzi

Let Us Garlands Bring, Op.18 (William Shakespeare) 

5. It Was a Lover and His Lass  - 1R

Roger Quilter 

Three Shakespeare Songs, Op.6                   

1. Come Away, Death                

2. O Mistress Mine                

3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind  

Reynaldo Hahn 

A Chloris (Theophile de Viau)


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Jaewon Jung


Year of birth:


The  Korean tenor Leo Jaewon Jung completed his bachelor's degree in singing  at Seoul National University in 2016. Since 2018 he has been studying  in the master's degree in opera with Prof. Snežana Stamenković and in  the postgraduate course in solo training with Prof. Burkhard Fritz at  the Mannheim State University of Music and Performing Arts.

In  2019 he received a scholarship from the Richard Wagner Association in  Bayreuth. He is a winner of several competitions. In 2022 he won the 1st  prize in the “Grandi Voci” competition in Salzburg, in 2021 the 3rd  prize in the 6th International Singing Competition “Toscanini” and in  2019 the 2nd prize and special prize in the 22nd International Singing  Competition “Città di Alcamo” in Italy.

In July  2021 he made his debut as Don José in the opera “Carmen” at Weikersheim  Castle and in March 2022 as Hoffmann in the opera “Les Contes  d’Hoffmann” in Maastricht, Netherlands.

He has been  a member of the Pfalztheater Opera Studio since the 2022/23 season. In  addition to various concert tasks and smaller roles in "The Merry Widow"  and "Macbeth", he sang the main role of Nemorino in Donizetti's opera  "The Love Potion" in the circus tent.

Eunshil Oh


Korean  pianist Eunshil Oh began her musical training in piano at Yewon School  and Seoul Arts High School. In 2012, she completed her bachelor's degree  at the Korea National University of Arts in Seoul. From 2016 to 2021  she studied in the master's degree and artistic graduate studies (3rd  cycle) master class in the song class with Prof. Ulrike Siedel and KS  Prof. Olaf Bär at the Carl Maria von Weber University of Music Dresden.  During the course of her studies, she appeared in concerts at the  university several times, including in the concert series “Lied-Gut”,  “Masquerade” and “Lied in Dresden”. At the Semperoper Dresden she gave a  concert “Turning Points - Music Scene DDR II” and a song recital with  KS. Andreas Scheibner. As a piano accompanist, she took part in several  master classes for singing, including at KS. Georg Zeppenfeld and Prof.  Hedwig Fassbender. In 2019 she performed with the third prize winner at  the International Brahms Competition.

Since 2022  she has been studying additional studies in vocal accompaniment at the  Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts.

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