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Biographies & programs



Lilia-Fruz Bulhakova


First Round

Eva Barta


Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Im Frühling D882  (Schulze)  - 1R

Vedi quanto t´adoro D510 (Metastasio)  - 1R

Franz Liszt

Tre Sonetti di Petrarca, S 270

1. Pace non trovo

Henri Duparc


4. Éxtase (Jean Lahore)  - 1R

Roger Quilter

Three Shakespeare Songs, Op.6

1. Come Away, Death

3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind  - 1R

Hugo Wolf   


27. Die Spröde

28. Die Bekehrte


Spanisches Liederbuch

36. Bedeckt mich mit Blumen (María do Ceo/Geibel)



3. Verschwiegene Liebe

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia Op.67  (Shakespeare/Simrock) 

1. Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb

2. Guten Morgen, 's ist Sankt Valentinstag 

3. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss 

Erich W. Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op.31

1. Desdemona´s Song

Reynaldo Hahn

À Chloris (de Viau)


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Lilia-Fruz Bulhakova


Year of birth:


Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian opera singer, soloist of Allee Theater  Hamburg for 2022/2023 season. She performs the main role of Agatha in  “Der kleine Freischütz" in the Allee Theater Hamburg and Adalgisa in the  opera "Norma" by Bellini at the Kammeroper Hamburg. Lilia-Fruz received  a Master degree with honors in opera singing at the Hochschule für  Musik Würzburg in 2022, where she studied in the class of Alexandra Coku  and Professor Martin Hummel. In the Opera Studio Theater Bibrastraße of  the Hochschule für Musik Würzburg Lilia-Fruz Bulhakova performed  following opera roles: the Female Chorus "Rape of Lucretia" by Britten,  Ismene "Orpheus" by Telemann. She is a fellow of DAAD- Preis,  Deutschlandstipendium, DAAD-Stibet. During her studies in Würzburg, she  also studied Song Design with Professor Gerold Huber and Alexander  Fleischer, recorded 2 CDs: "Liebeslieder" by Ullmann and "Schmerz und  Hoffnung". Lilia-Fruz also performs oratorio music and has sung Solo in  churches and Concert Halls in Würzburg: "Laudate pueri" by Händel, with  orchestra and choir, "Missa Brevis" by Mozart, "Johannes Passion" by  Schütz. She graduated with honors from the National Academy of Music  (Kyiv) with a degree in opera singing in 2018 and had a scholarship. She  studied in the class of the Honored artist of Ukraine Irina Semenenko,  and performed in the Opera Studio of Academy Roles of Gilda, Cheprano  and Page in "Rigoletto" by Verdi, Musetta in "La Boheme" by Puccini,  Amore and Eurydice in "Orpheus and Eurydice" by Gluck, Brigitte in  "Iolanthe" by Tchaikovsky, Annina in "La Traviata" by Verdi, Marfa in  "The Tsar's Bride" by Rimsky-Korsakov, the Girl in "Christmas Tree" by  Rebikov, Papagena in "Magic Flute" by Mozart, Barbarina in “Le Nozze di  Figaro" Mozart, Fox in "Mr. Cat" Lysenko, Donna Anna and Zerlina in "Don  Giovanni" by Mozart. Lilia-Fruz Bulhakova is a finalist of the  International Competitions: "Montserrat Caballe Singing Competition"  Spain, “Eva Marton Singing Competition” Ungarn, “Belvedere Singing  Competition” Austria, Paula
Salomon-Lindberg-Wettbewerb "Das Lied" Germany, 1 Prize - International  Competition «The Pearl of Art» Kyiv, 1st place International Competition  "Ukraine Joins the World» Kyiv, Grand Prix International Competition  "Die Sternbrücke" Ukraine. She was a guest soloist at the Euroorchestry  Festival in Charente-Maritime, France 2011. She had many master classes  with such masters as Cheryl Studer, Laura Aikin, Siegfried Bauer, Davide  Rocca, Christianne Stotijn.

Eva Barta


Eva  Barta is a versatile pianist. She plays recitals, works at various  theaters as a stage musician, but also loves solo piano literature and  gives piano recitals. The pianist of Hungarian origin was born in  Transylvania (Romania) and came to Germany at the age of three. From the  age of eleven she had lessons with Konrad Meister from the Hanover  University of Music, Theater and Media and then studied at the

Hamburg University of Music and Theater with Evgenij Koroliov.

While  studying at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki with Ilmo Ranta, she  discovered her love of song - the connection between sound and word,  which creates a new scenic level in music

- and  then studied song design, first at the University of Music Karlsruhe  with Anne le Bozec and Hartmut Höll, and later again at the Hamburg  University of Music and Theater with Burkhard Kehring, where she  completed her master's degree in song design with top marks.

She  attended master classes with Helmut Deutsch, Julius Drake and Elly  Ameling, Rudolf Jansen, Jorma Hyninnen, Ralf Gothoni and Axel Bauni,  among others, won a Lions Music Prize, an accompanist prize at the  Maritim Singing Competition and the Joseph Suder Song Competition and  was a Yehudi Menuhin scholarship holder "Live-Music-Now" Foundation, the  Hermann and Milena Ebel Foundation and the Richard Wagner Association.

At  the age of 18, she made her debut with the Ravel Piano Concerto in G  major and the Elbe-Weser International Youth Orchestra, with whom she  played several concerts in Germany and Romania.

Later solo and song concerts took her to festivals in Poland and Romania, for example at the Filarmonica de Stat Targu Mures.

Since  her studies she has been working with singers, for example she played  the Schöne Müllerin with the tenor Daniel Behle in Bad Wörishofen. She  also played recitals in the Laeiszhalle and the Kunsthalle Hamburg. She  works at the Thalia Theater Hamburg and the Hamburg Chamber Opera as a  stage musician, musical director and pianist in the ensemble. Guest  performances with the Thalia Theater and with the cabaret artist  “Alfons” took her to the Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg, the  Mannheim Mozart Summer and the Pantheon Theater Bonn, among others. She  gives solo concerts with her program “Nacht”, which will be released in  2024 on the GENUIN Classics label.

She had a position as a piano accompanist in the singing department at the Hamburg University of Music and Theater.

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