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Biographies & programs



Sarah Gilford



Ewa Danilewska


First Prize

Special Prize of the "Belle Voci" Foundation

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Auf dem See D 543 (Goethe)   - 1R

Vedi quanto t´adoro ingrato D 510 (Metastasio)   - 1R

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25

7. Die Lotosblume (Heine)

Franz Liszt

O quand je dors! S 282 (Hugo)   - 1R

Hugo Wolf

Spanisches Liederbuch

12. In dem Schatten meiner Locken (Anonymous/Heyse)

36. Bedeckt mich mit Blumen (Maria de Ceo/Geibel)

Mathilde Kralik von Meyerswalden

Jugend Lieder

4. Lied des Gefangenen (Uhland)

Anna Teichmüller

Frühlingswinde Op.12, Nr.1 (C.Hauptmann)

Ivor Gurney

Five Elizabethan Songs

1. Orpheus with his Lute (Shakespeare)   - 1R

4. Spring (Nashe)

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op.67 (Shakespeare/Simrock)

3. Sie trugen ihn auf der Bahre bloss 

Reynaldo Hahn

A Chloris (Theophile de Viau)

Eynard Pessen

Five Jan Kochanowski Songs

5. Na lipę


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For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Sarah Gilford


Year of birth:


Praised for her crystal-clear voice, British soprano Sarah Gilford is a  recent Song Prize finalist at BBC Cardiff Singer of the World 2021 and  an alumnus of the prestigious Opernstudio at the Bayerische Staatsoper.
Sarah  has performed at many of the world's leading opera houses including  Bayerische Staatsoper, Royal Opera House, Stadttheater Klagenfurt and  Grand Théâtre de Genève. Her roles have included Susanna in Le Nozze di  Figaro, Gilda in Rigoletto, Sophie in Werther, Governess in Turn of the  Screw and Dalinda in Ariodante.
On the concert platform Sarah has  performed with orchestras such as Berliner Philharmoniker, Filarmonica  Arturo Toscanini, Les Arts Florissants and Il Pomo d'Oro. Her most  recent engagements include Mendelssohn's Elias, Handel's Messiah and  Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.
As a skilled recitalist, Sarah has  performed at the Juan March Fundación in Madrid, British Embassy in Rome  and Wigmore Hall in London.

Ewa Danilewska


Ewa Danilewska is a graduate of the piano class of Wojciech Świtała and  the chamber music class of Grzegorz Biegas at the Karol Szymanowski  Academy of Music in Katowice. As a soloist, she has performed with the  Opole, Rzeszów and Silesian philharmonic orchestras, the Orchestra of  Katowice Music Academy, the Polish Radio Orchestra and Camerata  Pontresina (Switzerland). In the years 2018 - 2022 she has been a  repetiteur of the opera studio of the Bavarian State Opera, Munich,  coaching and performing with some of the worlds best young singers.  Recent engagements have included recitals and concerts in Staatsoper  Stuttgart, Tallin Philharmonic, Wigmore Hall, Usedomer Festival, NFM  Wrocław Concert hall, NOSPR Katowice concert hall, Blaibach concert  hall, Beethoven Saal Stuttgart, Reithalle Neumarkt an der Oberfalls,  Bibliotech Saal Polling and the Bavarian State Opera.

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