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Biographies & programs



Yewon Kim

South Korea


Seunghwan Ji

South Korea

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Nachtviolen D 752 (Mayrhofer) 

Sonett II D 629 (Shakespeare)  - 1R

Gioacchino Rossini

Soirées musicales

La promessa "Ch´io mai vi possa amare" (Metastasio)  - 1R

Gerald Finzi 

Let us Garlands Bring, Op. 18 (Shakespeare)

1. Come away death  - 1R

Henri Duparc


1. L'invation au voyage (Baudelaire)  - 1R

12. La vie anterieure (Charles Baudelaire)

Hugo Wolf 

Spanisches Liederbuch

12. In den Schatten meiner Locken (Anonymous/Heyse)

36. Bedeckt mich mit Blumen (Maria do Ceo/Geibel)

Erich Wolfgang Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op. 31

3. Blow, blow, thou winter wind

4. When birds do sing  (It was a lover and his lass)

Roger Quilter 

Three Shakespeare Songs, Op. 6 

1. Come Away, Death

2. O Mistress Mine

3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind


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For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Yewon Kim


Year of birth:


Mezzo-soprano Yewon Kim was born in Pusan, South Korea and grew up on  Jeju Island. She studied her bachelor's degree in singing at Pusan  National University. During her studies she took part in numerous  concerts. She also sang as a soloist in cantatas and oratorios such as  Vivaldi's Gloria and Bach's Christmas Oratorio, BWV99 and Alto Rhapsody  by J.Brahms. She also attended master classes with Riccardo Mascia,  Anton Ninno, Bo Skovhus and Christian Rohrbach, among others. In autumn  2020 she began her master's studies in the opera class at the Carl Maria  von Weber University of Music in Dresden with Mr. Klemens Sander and  song duo with KS.Prof.Olaf Bär. She continues to study the concert exam  with Prof. Klemens Sander at the Detmold University of Music. In April  2021, she played the role of Bradamante in Handel's “Alcina” in the  Small House of the Dresden State Theater. In April 2022 she sang in the  opera “Street Scene” by K.Weill as Mrs.Jones in the Little House of the  Staatsschauspiel Dresden. She sang at the Christmas concert with the  Hagen Orchestra in December 2022. And in the summer of 2023 she played  Romeo in the opera I Capuleti e i Montechi at the Landestheater Detmold.  In August 2022 she was a finalist in the Concorso Lirico Internationale  “Gaetano Donizetti”. In January 2023 she received 3rd prize at the  “International Music Competition Malopolska”. In February 2024 she will  make her debut as Carmen in G. Bizet's opera “Carmen” at the Detmold  Summer Theater. And she was invited to sing in the semi-finals of the  Wagner Competition in Leipzig in February 2024.

Seunghwan Ji


Pianist  Seunghwan Ji was born in Cheong-ju, South Korea in 1989. He studied  singing as a bachelor's degree at Seowon University. He then continued  his master's degree in Collaborative Piano at Sungshin Women University.  While studying, he worked as an accompanist for many choirs and as an  accompanist at opera

“Madama Butterfly” by G. Puccini. And he won the 1st prize at the Eumak Journal competition.

Recently, he was nominated as an official accompanist for the Korean Song Contest “Bimok”.

He  took part in master classes with Hartmut Höll, Helmut Deutsch, Charles  Spencer, Markus Hadulla, Julius Drake, Ralf Heiber, Carolyn Hague,  Tobias Krampen, Christian

Rohrbach and Daniel Heide  took part. He is currently studying in the song class in the master  class exam at the Carl Maria von Weber University of Music in Dresden  with Prof. Ulrike Siedel and KS. Prof. Olaf Bär and since March 2023 he  has been receiving the “Saxon State Scholarship for Graduates and Master  Students”.

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